Loved this! You kind of alluded to this in there, but I really struggle with the balance, because we know we can absolutely slip into therapist most and ask so many questions/only ask questions. I noticed that so much in the first 5 or 6 years of my career. I’ve scaled back but now I worry I may have scaled too far back. Although I suspect I’m not even close. I’m always so aware when I “have the floor.”

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Me too. :(

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Oh it is one of my absolute pet hates when people don't ask questions. I struggle to interrupt and offer a story about myself because I assume they are not interested, and I don't want to share my personal details with someone who's not interested! Thanks for articulating this so well 😊

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Really love the work you are doing here in this space 🙏🏼

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I love when my writings of the week perfectly align with another’s. Being seen is at the heart of every but we cannot ask to be seen without being willing to do that for others. Thank you for these gentle reminders and advice 🤍

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